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Questions & Answers
Click on any of the below headings that apply to you to see a list of common questions along with their answers.
Please note no more claims for mis-sold PPI can now be made as the PPI deadline of August 29th 2019 has now passed.
Reclaiming mis-sold PPI — how the process works and timescales
You need to sign and return a claims pack to Hidenda. A claims pack will consist of the following:
- Letter of Engagement — this is the contract between you and Hidenda covering what we will do for you and what we require you to do for us if needs be, such as return requests for information if we need it to help your claim along etc.
- Letters of Authority — These are letters you must sign which get sent to the bank. They tell the bank that you give them your permission for us to deal with your mis-sold PPI claims on your behalf. We require two signed Letters of Authority per bank we're dealing with for you as we will use one when we ask for a list of PPI you have taken then the second when we send in any and all mis-sold PPI claims you have got.
- Questionnaire — This is for you to answer how you feel PPI was mis-sold to you.
Once you return a signed claims pack to Hidenda we first break out your claims into the individual banks you tell us about.
The first bit of information we require from a bank is a list of all the PPI you've ever taken. Due to the sheer scale of mis-sold PPI, banks have created processes for dealing with claims management companies to return lists of PPI back to the companies when they request them. We will then send a Letter of Authority that you have signed to that bank asking for all the PPI you have ever taken.
This process can take up to 56 days although banks will say they try and do this faster where at all possible. Due to the amount of requests the banks make this can and does take time. Please be patient. We will chase the bank on your behalf if it is taking too long.
Once that list of PPI comes back we will go through that and create individual claims for each piece of mis-sold PPI and send that back to the bank along with another Letter of Authority signed by you. This will mean that we miss no PPI that you have ever taken — all your mis-sold PPI will be returned to you.
Hopefully the bank will uphold your claim and that will be the end of the claim process — you will receive your refund and the claim will be closed.
If the bank rejects your claim, however, and we feel there is a case for your mis-sold PPI we will send your claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS will require you to fill in a questionnaire about your claim and will then investigate it to draw its own conclusion. Most of the PPI claims that go to the FOS are upheld so that's good for the claimant (you).
The process of the FOS investigating can take as long as 2 years.
These timescales may seem long but there really is nothing that can be done to change them. Banks take as long as they do and this is set out in law that they don't have to go any faster. The FOS will go through claims as quickly as is possible however they are backed up with tens of thousands of claims so it just takes time.
I have an enquiry about my claim or invoice
I would like an update on my claim
To view up-to-date information for where your claims are simply log into the client area at the top of this page using your HID reference. You can then view all of your claims and what is going on with them.
Please bear in mind that the claim process can unfortunately be a lengthy one. Banks are within their rights to take up to 56 days once a claim goes in (and this can sometimes take a lot longer) - however before a claim can go to the bank a full data subject access request (DSAR) must be made on your behalf. This puts extra time delays on the claim process. As soon as we hear anything regarding your claim we will be in touch with you to update you on its progress. Unfortunately it's simply a waiting game; however rest assured that your claim will not be lost or forgotten about. Please do not call us for an update; instead use this system as this will then free our staff to concentrate on processing your claims under the new DSAR process which will ultimately provide you with all the mis-sold refunds you are entitled to and none will be missed. This includes the refunds you would never have been aware of had this new process not been introduced.
What is a data subject access request (DSAR)?
A DSAR is when we will ask your lender to supply us with each and every account you've had with them. They will also indicate which of these accounts has PPI with it. We do a DSAR on your behalf first, then once this comes back we can put in a claim for all the mis-sold PPI you have ever had. Doing a DSAR means none of your PPI will be missed. The only way you will not get back any mis-sold PPI is if you fail to tell us one of the banks/lenders you have dealt with and supply a signed Letter of Authority for that bank/lender for us to then perform the DSAR.
I have been sent a request for more information, forms or a questionnaire
I have been asked to return additional forms to Hidenda
As part of a comprehensive mis-sold PPI claim service, both Hidenda and the banks have to work to perform a full and thorough investigation.
Certain banks will require additional information that they might ask for individually or in the form of a questionnaire. Hidenda may well need additional Letters of Authority due to new regulations that mean we have to firstly do a full data subject access request (DSAR) on your behalf, and only once that is complete and returned to Hidenda can we put in your claims. This process will require two Letters of Authority, so if you have only returned one for that lender we will require another. If you have failed to sign any forms and send them back we will need to resend them out to you for your signature. It might be that the bank cannot find you with the details you have provided or match your signature to the one they have for you on file. There are a multitude of reasons for why new forms are required, but to ensure your claim runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible please respond to all correspondance promply to enable us to continue the running of your claim with the minimum delay possible.
If you do not comply with requests made by Hidenda for information required for your claim to proceed you may be charged for our time to this point. To avoid this simply follow any requests made of you and return the information as soon as you can.
I have been sent a questionnaire from my bank
As your claim gets investigated by the bank it is quite possible the bank will send you a questionnaire that they would like you to fill in and return to them with some standard questions that are required for them to fully investigate your mis-sold PPI claim. This is standard procedure, so if you have received a questionnaire there is nothing to worry about.
What you must do if you have received a questionnaire:
You need to reply to the questionnaire answering the questions to the best of your knowledge. Do not write too much — keep your answers short and to the point. Banks will want a questionnaire to confirm details they have, confirm your reasons for thinking the PPI was mis-sold, checking your status at the time PPI was taken etc. The reason you gave for why this PPI was mis-sold can be found if you log into the client area above using your HID reference. Remember to be consistent with what you say to the bank.
If the bank is asking for information that they would have received from us previously — the reason for your complaint about the mis-selling of PPI, your status at the time of taking the credit etc. — you can refer them to your original paperwork which we have already supplied to them where they will find all the information that they are asking for. This will mean the information doesn't get confused in any way.
If you can do the questionnaire online then that will speed up the process as answers will be with the bank instantly to continue their investigation into your claim. If you are filling out a paper copy of the questionnaire send it back to the bank as soon as you can.
If the bank telephones you and asks if they can go through the questionnaire with you over the telephone we would suggest you ask the bank to conference call Hidenda in at the same time so that we can be on the call with you whilst the bank is asking its questions. This way we can oversee what is happening to ensure that the correct answers are given relating to your PPI claim. If the bank are agreeable to the conference call ask them to call 01332 815411 (available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). Alternatively you can decline the bank's offer of doing the questionnaire over the telephone and ask for the questionnaire to be either sent to you in the post or made available online to be filled in.
When posting a questionnaire please make sure you post your questionnaire directly to your bank. If you have posted your questionnaire some time ago and either the bank says they have not received it, or the status of your claim that you can see if you log into the client area above using your HID reference still says that it is waiting for you to return it, you can print out another one and post it to your bank by clicking here.
I have been asked to prove I am who I say I am - proof of identity forms have been requested
On occasion a bank or institution may not be able to identify you from the details you provide. This might be due to a signature not matching, an address being incorrect etc. meaning that to continue your claim the bank requires you to update your details with them.
When this happens Hidenda will send you out a letter explaining what you need to do. If you receive such a letter there is no need to worry. Simply follow the instructions and provide the necessary proof as requested. You then post these to Hidenda using our freepost service - simply write 'Freepost Hidenda' on an envelope. No additional address details are required. Do not use a stamp as this service is free for you.
Once Hidenda receive your proof we forward this to the bank or institution that has requested it and your claim will then be able to continue.
If you do not comply with requests made by Hidenda for information required for your claim to proceed you may be charged for our time to this point. To avoid this simply follow any requests made of you and return the information as soon as you can.
You have sent me a letter that I don't understand
Unless there is an action you need to take, such as fill in a questionnaire, proof of ID, accept an offer etc. then there is no need for you to do anything and the letter is simply an update. You only need to act when told to do so, so don't worry about the letter if there is no instruction for you to do anything. If there are instructions on the letter just follow the steps indicated, as failure to do so will result in a delay of your claim. All requests made of you are normal in the claims investigation process.
Why do I need to contact my bank if Hidenda are running my claims?
Banks will write to our clients directly - this is standard practice. There are certain pieces of information that we cannot provide on your behalf. Hidenda will continue to run the claim as a whole but on occasion the bank will ask you directly for additional information. Send this to them via registered post quickly so as not to hold up your claim any longer than necessary.
What do I do if the bank telephones me directly?
If your bank or lender ever calls you directly to discuss your claim you should simply state that the only way you want to correspond regarding your claim is via post. That way all communications will be easily trackable and all parties will know exactly what has been said by who to whom.
If the bank would prefer to discuss something with you over the telephone i.e. if they want to go through the questionnaire with you, we would suggest you ask the bank to conference call Hidenda in at the same time so that we can be on the call with you whilst the bank is asking its questions. This way we can oversee what is happening to ensure that consistent answers are given relating to your PPI claim. If the bank are agreeable to the conference call ask them to call 01332 815411 (available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
The bank is unable to locate me
If the bank has said that it is unable to locate you on their records — maybe due to the financial product being closed more than 6 years ago — and that they cannot do anything more on your claim unless you can show them evidence of your accounts, loans, cards or other credit you've had with them and show the PPI that was taken with those accounts.
Evidence of these accounts would be such things as original paper work for the account or a bank statement showing payments of PPI being taken.
If you have these documents please send them to us, and we will then be able to proceed with your claim. Simply write 'Freepost Hidenda' on the front of any envelope and post back to us. No stamp is required and no further address details should be added. This is a free service for you to use.
Unfortunately until you provide these documents any claims you have with this lender will be placed on hold.
If you know you have had some form of account or credit with the bank/lender that says they cannot locate you within the last 6 years, log into the client tracking system above, go to the claims under the bank that cannot locate you and use the "Specific Claim Feedback" section to let us know that the bank should have your details on file to be able to find you.
I have received an offer from the bank - what do I do?
If there is an acceptance form to sign then sign it and return it to the bank via registered post. If there is no acceptance form then there is no need to do anything and your refund will be processed by the bank shortly. Once you have received payment from the bank inform Hidenda immediately - you can do this by emailing Please also remember that from any payment you receive you need to set aside money to pay our invoice which is 20% +VAT (making a total of 24% of any refund amount the bank pay you)*. A detailed invoice to the exact penny will be given to you once you notify us that you have been paid.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I have received a cheque from the bank - what do I do?
The cheque is now yours. It represents your refund. If there is an acceptance form to sign then sign it and return it to the bank via registered post. If there is no acceptance form then there is no need to do anything. All you need to do is pay the cheque into your account.
Remember that the cheque you have received is your total refund. This includes the fee you must pay as per the terms of our contract that you signed. Our fee is 20% + VAT (making a total of 24%)*. Once the cheque has cleared in your account please make immediate payment to Hidenda for the amount that you will receive an invoice for, if you haven't already.
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I haven't received my refund yet
It can take a little time from an offer letter being sent to the refund appearing in your account. Please allow up to 6 weeks for this to happen. As a matter of standard procedure we continue to chase the banks regarding all claims until they are complete which, in this instance, will be a refund paid to you, our invoice paid by you and all parties satisfied.
Our procedure is to send an invoice to a client once the bank has confirmed it is processing payment.
I have an invoice to pay
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
Why is the fee 20% + VAT?*
We represent you as a third party throughout the process; therefore the fee encompasses all direct correspondence with the bank and all efforts to achieve maximum compensation on behalf of the client. This fee is non-negotiable and is documented in your terms and conditions.
The fee itself is a no-win-no-fee* meaning if you win nothing we will charge you nothing.
* If you cancel on request after 14 days then you may be subject to a cancellation charge (see our Terms and Conditions). If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement between 10th July 2018 and 31st March 2019 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 1st April 2019 the Terms and Confitions can be seen here.
I have been sent a final demand for payment of my invoice
If you have been sent a final demand for payment of your outstanding invoice this will be because you have had a claim successfully completed and won by Hidenda and the bank has made payment to you. As per the terms of the contract you signed with Hidenda we have sent you the invoice for our fees which is now overdue.
If you do not pay this invoice immediately it will be passed to our debt collectors for collection. This can incur additional fees and could end up on your credit file, adversely affecting it and you for up to 6 years.
What you need to do is pay your invoice now and no further action will happen.
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
Why is the fee 20% + VAT?*
We represent you as a third party throughout the process; therefore the fee encompasses all direct correspondence with the bank and all efforts to achieve maximum compensation on behalf of the client. This fee is non-negotiable and is documented in your terms and conditions.
The fee itself is a no-win-no-fee* meaning if you win nothing we will charge you nothing.
* If you cancel on request after 14 days then you may be subject to a cancellation charge (see our Terms and Conditions). If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I wish to dispute an invoice that I have been sent
If you have been sent an invoice and you feel there is an error with the invoice or the amount please contact the accounts department directly on 01332 815418.
I want to make a complaint about Hidenda
If you wish to make a formal complaint please refer to our complaints procedure that can be found here.
I want to cancel my contract with Hidenda
If you no longer want Hidenda to deal with your claim you can cancel the contract by sending a letter to Hidenda, 6E2 Boundary Court, Willow Farm Business Park, Castle Donington. DE74 2NN or emailing Once we receive this we will simply cancel the contract with you and will stop processing your claim. We will only bill you for work carried out and providing it is outside of the 14 day cooling off period that is applicable by law. If no work has been done then you will not be charged. If work has been done you may well receive a bill for the work done as per the contract you have signed with us.
If you do not cancel your contract with Hidenda and allow the claim process to run its course, if we do not get any refund for you then you will not be charged anything. You will only be charged if we get you a refund and that will be 20% + VAT (making a total of 24%)* of the refunded amount.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
My claim has been rejected. What can I do?
When a bank rejects your claim the only option you have is to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Hidenda reviews all rejected claims and will then move them onto the FOS as necessary. There are times where claims will be legitimately rejected by the bank - if there is no PPI or if PPI has been used by you - however there are times where they will reject a claim incorrectly. We know what to look for and will forward your claim to the FOS if that is the correct course of action.
The FOS will require you to fill in their own questionnaire as they will perform their own investigation into your claim so that they can make their ruling. Hidenda will write to you if we are recommending your claim move to the FOS. This letter will explain the procedure and include the questionnaire that the FOS will need you to fill in. If you want to download your own copy of this questionnaire so you can print it out, fill it in and then return it to Hidenda please click here.
The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful.
Please note that you only have 6 months from the date of the final response letter issued by your bank to refer your complaint to the FOS. Any complaint referred to the FOS later than 6 months from this date will not be considered.
Who are the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
The FOS is the organisation that oversees any disputes in complaints that we send to the bank where the bank's decision is to be disputed.
They are an independent organisation that will run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim and rule as they see fit. Their decision will be final and you will have to abide by what they decide. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful. A claim sent to the FOS can take up to 2 years so please, once it has been submitted, be very patient. We will contact you when we have information.
Why is my claim going to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
When your claim gets rejected by the bank we will review the reasons for this rejection. Where we feel the bank is incorrect and you do indeed have a claim against them for mis-sold PPI, the only option available is to move your claim to the FOS for a secondary investigation.
They are an independent organisation that will run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim and rule as they see fit. Their decision will be final and you will have to abide by what they decide. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful.
Why do I need to fill in another questionnaire for the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
The FOS run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim. They will want to ask their own questions and get their own information from both you and the bank you're claiming against so that they can gather all evidence and make the right decision. What this means is that they have their own questionnaire as standard for all claims that go to them which must be answered by you and returned for them to be able to investigate your claim. This is simply standard practice. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful. To make the process go as quickly as possible fill in and return the FOS questionnaire as soon as you can.
How much longer will my claim take now it's going to/gone to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
With the scale of mis-sold PPI the FOS has been inundated with claims that require their investigation. A few years ago a claim going to the FOS would take 6-8 months to be resolved. That has now lengthened to 18 months or even more in some cases. Unfortunately this is now the only course of action to continue with the claim so patience is required. Bear in mind that the majority of claims that go to the FOS are upheld so it's a good route even though it can and will take longer. Please, once it has been submitted be very patient. We will contact you when we have information.
How to send information back to Hidenda in the post
To post anything you need to Hidenda you can simply use the 'Hidenda Freepost' service. To do this simply place your items in a plane envelope and write 'FREEPOST HIDENDA' on the front. No stamp or any additional address details are required. Place the envelope in the post and it will be delivered to our head office on a second class basis.
NB. The Freepost Hidenda service only applies if you are in the UK. If you are overseas the Freepost service will not work for you so please post them to the address below and pay the relevant postage.
If you would prefer not to use the 'Hidenda Freepost' service or you want to send your items 1st class, simply write the below address on any envelope and add your chosen postage/stamp.
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm
Castle Donington
DE74 2NN
United Kingdom -
I returned my pack in the post
I have not heard anything from Hidenda or any bank since I posted my pack back to Hidenda
If you have recently returned your pack and not heard anything from us there is nothing to worry about. Due to new regulations, we now have to perform a full data subject access request (DSAR) on your behalf. Only once we have received this can we then put your claims into the bank, meaning the length of time claims are taking has substantially increased.
Be assured that all claims are being processed and we will be in touch with you as soon as we have any information regarding your claim. Please do not call us for an update, simply use this system which contains all the information you will need to see where your claims are and what is going on with them.
I have been sent a request for more information, forms or a questionnaire
I have been asked to return additional forms to Hidenda
As part of a comprehensive mis-sold PPI claim service, both Hidenda and the banks have to work to perform a full and thorough investigation.
Certain banks will require additional information that they might ask for individually or in the form of a questionnaire. Hidenda may well need additional Letters of Authority due to new regulations that mean we have to firstly do a full data subject access request (DSAR) on your behalf, and only once that is complete and returned to Hidenda can we put in your claims. This process will require two Letters of Authority, so if you have only returned one for that lender we will require another. If you have failed to sign any forms and send them back we will need to resend them out to you for your signature. It might be that the bank cannot find you with the details you have provided or match your signature to the one they have for you on file. There are a multitude of reasons for why new forms are required, but to ensure your claim runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible please respond to all correspondance promply to enable us to continue the running of your claim with the minimum delay possible.
If you do not comply with requests made by Hidenda for information required for your claim to proceed you may be charged for our time to this point. To avoid this simply follow any requests made of you and return the information as soon as you can.
I have been sent a questionnaire from my bank
As your claim gets investigated by the bank it is quite possible the bank will send you a questionnaire that they would like you to fill in and return to them with some standard questions that are required for them to fully investigate your mis-sold PPI claim. This is standard procedure, so if you have received a questionnaire there is nothing to worry about.
What you must do if you have received a questionnaire:
You need to reply to the questionnaire answering the questions to the best of your knowledge. Do not write too much — keep your answers short and to the point. Banks will want a questionnaire to confirm details they have, confirm your reasons for thinking the PPI was mis-sold, checking your status at the time PPI was taken etc. The reason you gave for why this PPI was mis-sold can be found if you log into the client area above using your HID reference. Remember to be consistent with what you say to the bank.
If the bank is asking for information that they would have received from us previously — the reason for your complaint about the mis-selling of PPI, your status at the time of taking the credit etc. — you can refer them to your original paperwork which we have already supplied to them where they will find all the information that they are asking for. This will mean the information doesn't get confused in any way.
If you can do the questionnaire online then that will speed up the process as answers will be with the bank instantly to continue their investigation into your claim. If you are filling out a paper copy of the questionnaire send it back to the bank as soon as you can.
If the bank telephones you and asks if they can go through the questionnaire with you over the telephone we would suggest you ask the bank to conference call Hidenda in at the same time so that we can be on the call with you whilst the bank is asking its questions. This way we can oversee what is happening to ensure that the correct answers are given relating to your PPI claim. If the bank are agreeable to the conference call ask them to call 01332 815411 (available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). Alternatively you can decline the bank's offer of doing the questionnaire over the telephone and ask for the questionnaire to be either sent to you in the post or made available online to be filled in.
When posting a questionnaire please make sure you post your questionnaire directly to your bank. If you have posted your questionnaire some time ago and either the bank says they have not received it, or the status of your claim that you can see if you log into the client area above using your HID reference still says that it is waiting for you to return it, you can print out another one and post it to your bank by clicking here.
I have been asked to prove I am who I say I am - proof of identity forms have been requested
On occasion a bank or institution may not be able to identify you from the details you provide. This might be due to a signature not matching, an address being incorrect etc. meaning that to continue your claim the bank requires you to update your details with them.
When this happens Hidenda will send you out a letter explaining what you need to do. If you receive such a letter there is no need to worry. Simply follow the instructions and provide the necessary proof as requested. You then post these to Hidenda using our freepost service - simply write 'Freepost Hidenda' on an envelope. No additional address details are required. Do not use a stamp as this service is free for you.
Once Hidenda receive your proof we forward this to the bank or institution that has requested it and your claim will then be able to continue.
If you do not comply with requests made by Hidenda for information required for your claim to proceed you may be charged for our time to this point. To avoid this simply follow any requests made of you and return the information as soon as you can.
You have sent me a letter that I don't understand
Unless there is an action you need to take, such as fill in a questionnaire, proof of ID, accept an offer etc. then there is no need for you to do anything and the letter is simply an update. You only need to act when told to do so, so don't worry about the letter if there is no instruction for you to do anything. If there are instructions on the letter just follow the steps indicated, as failure to do so will result in a delay of your claim. All requests made of you are normal in the claims investigation process.
Why do I need to contact my bank if Hidenda are running my claims?
Banks will write to our clients directly - this is standard practice. There are certain pieces of information that we cannot provide on your behalf. Hidenda will continue to run the claim as a whole but on occasion the bank will ask you directly for additional information. Send this to them via registered post quickly so as not to hold up your claim any longer than necessary.
What do I do if the bank telephones me directly?
If your bank or lender ever calls you directly to discuss your claim you should simply state that the only way you want to correspond regarding your claim is via post. That way all communications will be easily trackable and all parties will know exactly what has been said by who to whom.
My circumstances have changed / I am no longer with the person I took out the credit with
You will need to write to the bank and explain; however the bank will be within its rights to refuse to act on a policy that is in two names without two signatures, or if you are now in control of someone else's finances without having their original signature.
I have moved house / I will be moving house
You can login to view the status of your claims or amend address details at the top of this page. Enter your HID reference number then log in. Once you have you can add new addresses to your client record. Alternatively write to Hidenda stating your HID reference number, name, current address we have on file for you, and the new address you will be moving to.
You should also update your new address with all banks/institutions as required.
I have an enquiry about my claim or invoice
I would like an update on my claim
To view up-to-date information for where your claims are simply log into the client area at the top of this page using your HID reference. You can then view all of your claims and what is going on with them.
Please bear in mind that the claim process can unfortunately be a lengthy one. Banks are within their rights to take up to 56 days once a claim goes in (and this can sometimes take a lot longer) - however before a claim can go to the bank a full data subject access request (DSAR) must be made on your behalf. This puts extra time delays on the claim process. As soon as we hear anything regarding your claim we will be in touch with you to update you on its progress. Unfortunately it's simply a waiting game; however rest assured that your claim will not be lost or forgotten about. Please do not call us for an update; instead use this system as this will then free our staff to concentrate on processing your claims under the new DSAR process which will ultimately provide you with all the mis-sold refunds you are entitled to and none will be missed. This includes the refunds you would never have been aware of had this new process not been introduced.
The bank is unable to locate me
If the bank has said that it is unable to locate you on their records — maybe due to the financial product being closed more than 6 years ago — and that they cannot do anything more on your claim unless you can show them evidence of your accounts, loans, cards or other credit you've had with them and show the PPI that was taken with those accounts.
Evidence of these accounts would be such things as original paper work for the account or a bank statement showing payments of PPI being taken.
If you have these documents please send them to us, and we will then be able to proceed with your claim. Simply write 'Freepost Hidenda' on the front of any envelope and post back to us. No stamp is required and no further address details should be added. This is a free service for you to use.
Unfortunately until you provide these documents any claims you have with this lender will be placed on hold.
I have received an offer from the bank - what do I do?
If there is an acceptance form to sign then sign it and return it to the bank via registered post. If there is no acceptance form then there is no need to do anything and your refund will be processed by the bank shortly. Once you have received payment from the bank inform Hidenda immediately - you can do this by emailing Please also remember that from any payment you receive you need to set aside money to pay our invoice which is 20% +VAT (making a total of 24% of any refund amount the bank pay you)*. A detailed invoice to the exact penny will be given to you once you notify us that you have been paid.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I have received a cheque from the bank - what do I do?
The cheque is now yours. It represents your refund. If there is an acceptance form to sign then sign it and return it to the bank via registered post. If there is no acceptance form then there is no need to do anything. All you need to do is pay the cheque into your account.
Remember that the cheque you have received is your total refund. This includes the fee you must pay as per the terms of our contract that you signed. Our fee is 20% + VAT (making a total of 24%)*. Once the cheque has cleared in your account please make immediate payment to Hidenda for the amount that you will receive an invoice for, if you haven't already.
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I haven't received my refund yet
It can take a little time from an offer letter being sent to the refund appearing in your account. Please allow up to 6 weeks for this to happen. As a matter of standard procedure we continue to chase the banks regarding all claims until they are complete which, in this instance, will be a refund paid to you, our invoice paid by you and all parties satisfied.
Our procedure is to send an invoice to a client once the bank has confirmed it is processing payment.
I have an invoice to pay
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
Why is the fee 20% + VAT?*
We represent you as a third party throughout the process; therefore the fee encompasses all direct correspondence with the bank and all efforts to achieve maximum compensation on behalf of the client. This fee is non-negotiable and is documented in your terms and conditions.
The fee itself is a no-win-no-fee* meaning if you win nothing we will charge you nothing.
* If you cancel on request after 14 days then you may be subject to a cancellation charge (see our Terms and Conditions). If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I have been sent a final demand for payment of my invoice
If you have been sent a final demand for payment of your outstanding invoice this will be because you have had a claim successfully completed and won by Hidenda and the bank has made payment to you. As per the terms of the contract you signed with Hidenda we have sent you the invoice for our fees which is now overdue.
If you do not pay this invoice immediately it will be passed to our debt collectors for collection. This can incur additional fees and could end up on your credit file, adversely affecting it and you for up to 6 years.
What you need to do is pay your invoice now and no further action will happen.
There are three ways you can make payment: WE CANNOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE
By cheque/postal order
Send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Hidenda Client Acc' for the invoice total, stating invoice number and HID reference on the reverse, and send it to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm Business Park
Castle Donington
DE74 2NNUsing internet banking
Account Name: 'Hidenda Client Acc'
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: 30-84-85
Account Number: 27782460Over any counter of a LloydsTSB bank using the above bank details.
Payments are not taken over the phone, however if you have a question relating to your invoice you can call the accounts department on 01332 815418.
Why is the fee 20% + VAT?*
We represent you as a third party throughout the process; therefore the fee encompasses all direct correspondence with the bank and all efforts to achieve maximum compensation on behalf of the client. This fee is non-negotiable and is documented in your terms and conditions.
The fee itself is a no-win-no-fee* meaning if you win nothing we will charge you nothing.
* If you cancel on request after 14 days then you may be subject to a cancellation charge (see our Terms and Conditions). If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
I wish to dispute an invoice that I have been sent
If you have been sent an invoice and you feel there is an error with the invoice or the amount please contact the accounts department directly on 01332 815418.
I want to make a complaint about Hidenda
If you wish to make a formal complaint please refer to our complaints procedure that can be found here.
I want to cancel my contract with Hidenda
If you no longer want Hidenda to deal with your claim you can cancel the contract by sending a letter to Hidenda, 6E2 Boundary Court, Willow Farm Business Park, Castle Donington. DE74 2NN or emailing Once we receive this we will simply cancel the contract with you and will stop processing your claim. We will only bill you for work carried out and providing it is outside of the 14 day cooling off period that is applicable by law. If no work has been done then you will not be charged. If work has been done you may well receive a bill for the work done as per the contract you have signed with us.
If you do not cancel your contract with Hidenda and allow the claim process to run its course, if we do not get any refund for you then you will not be charged anything. You will only be charged if we get you a refund and that will be 20% + VAT (making a total of 24%)* of the refunded amount.
* If you signed your Letter of Engagement before 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here. If you signed your Letter of Engagement on or after 10th July 2018 the Terms and Conditions can be seen here.
My claim has been rejected. What can I do?
When a bank rejects your claim the only option you have is to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Hidenda reviews all rejected claims and will then move them onto the FOS as necessary. There are times where claims will be legitimately rejected by the bank - if there is no PPI or if PPI has been used by you - however there are times where they will reject a claim incorrectly. We know what to look for and will forward your claim to the FOS if that is the correct course of action.
The FOS will require you to fill in their own questionnaire as they will perform their own investigation into your claim so that they can make their ruling. Hidenda will write to you if we are recommending your claim move to the FOS. This letter will explain the procedure and include the questionnaire that the FOS will need you to fill in. If you want to download your own copy of this questionnaire so you can print it out, fill it in and then return it to Hidenda please click here.
The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful.
Please note that you only have 6 months from the date of the final response letter issued by your bank to refer your complaint to the FOS. Any complaint referred to the FOS later than 6 months from this date will not be considered.
Who are the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
The FOS is the organisation that oversees any disputes in complaints that we send to the bank where the bank's decision is to be disputed.
They are an independent organisation that will run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim and rule as they see fit. Their decision will be final and you will have to abide by what they decide. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful. A claim sent to the FOS can take up to 2 years so please, once it has been submitted, be very patient. We will contact you when we have information.
Why is my claim going to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
When your claim gets rejected by the bank we will review the reasons for this rejection. Where we feel the bank is incorrect and you do indeed have a claim against them for mis-sold PPI, the only option available is to move your claim to the FOS for a secondary investigation.
They are an independent organisation that will run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim and rule as they see fit. Their decision will be final and you will have to abide by what they decide. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful.
Why do I need to fill in another questionnaire for the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
The FOS run their own investigation into your mis-sold PPI claim. They will want to ask their own questions and get their own information from both you and the bank you're claiming against so that they can gather all evidence and make the right decision. What this means is that they have their own questionnaire as standard for all claims that go to them which must be answered by you and returned for them to be able to investigate your claim. This is simply standard practice. The majority of mis-sold PPI claims that are investigated by the FOS are found in favour of the complainant (you) so if your claim does go to the FOS it will take longer to get a satisfactory outcome but the chances are you will be successful. To make the process go as quickly as possible fill in and return the FOS questionnaire as soon as you can.
How much longer will my claim take now it's going to/gone to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)?
With the scale of mis-sold PPI the FOS has been inundated with claims that require their investigation. A few years ago a claim going to the FOS would take 6-8 months to be resolved. That has now lengthened to 18 months or even more in some cases. Unfortunately this is now the only course of action to continue with the claim so patience is required. Bear in mind that the majority of claims that go to the FOS are upheld so it's a good route even though it can and will take longer. Please, once it has been submitted be very patient. We will contact you when we have information.
What is a data subject access request (DSAR)?
A DSAR is when we will ask your lender to supply us with each and every account you've had with them. They will also indicate which of these accounts has PPI with it. We do a DSAR on your behalf first, then once this comes back we can put in a claim for all the mis-sold PPI you have ever had. Doing a DSAR means none of your PPI will be missed. The only way you will not get back any mis-sold PPI is if you fail to tell us one of the banks/lenders you have dealt with and supply a signed Letter of Authority for that bank/lender for us to then perform the DSAR.
I have found additional accounts. Do I need to do anything?
If the accounts you have found are for banks you have already told us about there is no need to do anything. If they are for a different bank open the Letter of Authority form by clicking here, print out two forms for each new bank you want to make a claim against, fill them in and return them to Hidenda so we can start the process by sending in a full data subject access request (DSAR) on your behalf. Then we will claim all the mis-sold PPI you have had.
If the new accounts you have found are joint accounts please make sure that both you and the other person involved in the joint accounts sign the Letters of Authority. Any claim for mis-sold PPI on joint accounts will be rejected if it is missing a signature from either party on the Letter of Authority.
I am not happy with the service I have received
If you wish to make a formal complaint please refer to our complaints procedure that can be found here.
I returned my pack online
If you have returned an online pack you will then be sent forms to sign and return to Hidenda in the post. This is done so that the banks will have all the forms they require and will not then hold up any further claim activities. Look out for the pack in the post and return it to Hidenda as soon as you can.
If you have not received forms in the post yet and you don't want to wait you can download and print off the forms you require yourself by going to the 'I need more forms or another full pack for myself or someone else' section of this page that can be found here.
I have not yet returned my claims pack
I need more forms or another full pack
To download and print a full pack for you or someone else that wants us to make a claim for them.
Please open all 5 PDF files below and print each one out. You need one copy of the 'Letter of Engagement', 'Instructions', 'Terms & Conditions of Contract' and 'Questionnaire' forms. You will need to print out two 'Letter of Authority' forms for each lender you want us to investigate mis-sold PPI with on your behelf - eg. if you think you had PPI with Barclays, Lloyds and Halifax please print out and fill in six 'Letter of Authority' forms. The reason we need two forms per lender is that we first need to perform a full data subject access request (DSAR) to get all your mis-sold PPI from the lender which will require the first Letter of Authority, then once we have that we will make the necessary claims that will require the other Letter of Authority.
If a partner or friend has claims they want us to make on their behalf they need a full pack to start the claims process so that we have a signed Letter of Engagement as well as the Letters of Authority and questionnaire. All forms for you or anyone else are available here.
If you have other lenders you haven't already told us about but want us to investigate mis-sold PPI with them on your behalf.
Print out two 'Letter of Authority' forms for each new lender you want us to investigate mis-sold PPI with on your behelf - eg. if you think you might have additional PPI with Barclays and Lloyds please print four new 'Letter of Authority' forms, fill them in remembering to sign and date each one. The reason we need two forms per lender is that we first need to perform a full data subject access request (DSAR) to get all your mis-sold PPI from the lender which will require the first Letter of Authority, then once we have that we will make the necessary claims that will require the other Letter of Authority.
When you have printed out and filled in all forms you require (remembering to sign and date where appropriate) put them in an envelope and simply write 'FREEPOST HIDENDA' on the front. No additional address details are required. Your forms will then be delivered to us to process and begin the claim process for you.
NB. The Freepost Hidenda service only applies if you are in the UK. If you are overseas the Freepost service will not work for you so when returning your packs or forms from abroad please post them to:
Unit 6E2 Boundary Court
Willow Farm
Castle Donington
DE74 2NN
United KingdomForms to download:
Your forms could not be emailed - please try again.Your forms were emailed successfully emailed to .If you are unable to print these forms because you do not have a printer, you can make a request for Hidenda to send these to you. To do this, simply leave a message with your request in the ‘Your Feedback’ area below making sure to state which forms it is that you require.
If you do decide to print and post them yourself you can return these to us using the 'Hidenda Freepost' service. To use this service simply write the words 'FREEPOST HIDENDA' on the front of a plain envelope and post back to us. You do not need to write any other address details and no stamp is required. This will be received by our head office.
I am unsure what to fill in / I am unable to find all the information being asked for
If you are ever in any doubt, or cannot find some of the information being asked for, our advice is always to fill in what you can, but most importantly remember to sign and date every signature and date box so that we can investigate all possible PPI claims.
It is very important to remember that on each Letter of Authority please make sure you always include the name of the lender and the address you were at at the time of taking the credit agreement if is different to your current address. Also if you have any joint accounts you want to investigate, the Letter of Authority must be signed by both people.
The instruction sheet on how to complete your claims pack as well as how to return it to Hidenda, can be found here.
What happens if I need to post important documents to Hidenda that I will need returned?
Whilst processing your claims there may be times when you are required to send us important original documentation. This will be a standard part of some claims. You should only send important documents to us using registered post to guarantee they arrive. We will then process these as we have to and return them back to you. Once you have sent these documents in your claims will be updated with the fact they have been received and your claim is continuing to be processed. You can view the status of your claims by logging into client area above using your HID reference. Please be patient and await the return of your documents. We have thousands of clients requiring much administration so this process can take some time, however we do return all original documentation to our clients.